Friday, September 28, 2007


If you're in my English, you'll know why I'm talking about this. In case you don't, I'm refering to "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty".

Why is it that the Cheerio's cereal is called that when in the English language, Cheerio means goodbye. Does that mean that when someone eats Cheerio's they're saying goodbye. And does that mean that they're saying they are going to dye? It's kind of ironic considering Cheerio's are supposed to be really healthy and make your heart stronger, not make it stop beating. I thought of this in English while Jas was doing the Walter Mitty improv.

Sorry Jas, but don't worry, I was still paying attention to you and your fantasies of being with other women ;)

funny shirts

I think some shirts should not be worn on TV or other places where they could be seen by a large number of people. For example I just saw a shirt that was yellow on the top half and palm tree silhouettes on the bottom half and, no offense, but it was ugly. I can understand if you're wearing one on vacation. You're on vacation in Hawaii and you don't know any of the people here so you figure it doesn't matter what you wear because you don't have to worry about what these people think of you because you will never see these people again but to wear that type of shirt on TV. That's another story. Personally, I would be embarrassed to be seen wearing one unless it was for a fun day at school or something but even then I would still feel a little embarrassed. If you own and wear a shirt like this then I'm sorry if I offended you. Honestly.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Spirit Day

Spirit Day was so fun! My favorite part was the male dancers. They were hilarious. Especially Sean. I think he was wearing a girls shirt but I'm not sure and the way they were all dancing like girls. it was hilarious. The best part was the fact that we got out of school 20 minutes early.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Strange theory

Gum could save lives. And to think someone I know doesn't like it. My theory is that lots of people smoke, right? Its a horrible habit. A lot of the people that tryto quit smoking start chewing gum as a replacement habit. Second- hand smoke is very dangerous. Sooo.... if people start chewing gum instead of smoking it will save lives and give people strong jaws.
(As random as that may have been, its true. You can't disagree.[And to those people who will probably make fun of me for righting this: shut up 'cause you know its true])


Imagination is more important than knowledge.~Albert Einstein

Please explain the problem to me slowly as I don't understand things quickly. ~Albert Einstein

Only take what you can use or waht you need~unknown

Stop telling me the skye is the limit whaen there are men on the moon ~unknown


If anyone from my Info Tech class is reading this: PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT!!!!


Classmates can be EXTREMELY stupid! I'm not going to name the person but they sit across from me in a certain class with lots of computers. That person is such an annoyance.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Hurtful Gossiping

Gossiping can be horrible. More so than anyone can think. Rumors can travel like the speed of light within one school. By the next day at least your whole grade will know that *Sam shaves his legs. This is completely untrue and is only an example but because no one thought to clarify with Sam half the school now knows, or rather, thinks they know the dirty secrets of someone. Its people that have to know the "latest dirt" on someone that spread the gossip. People like *Carrie who need to talk about other people for some unknown reason. Maybe she feels that if she spreads rumors, even if they aren't true, that it will keep others from finding out her parents are alcoholics. Again, this is completely untrue. Maybe Carrie spreads rumors because she isn't very popular and she thinks that people will want to hang out with her if she knows the latest dirt. Unfortunately, thats not how it works. People will talk to her for maybe a day at the most but once they have the information they want and then it will be back to the original clique. I know its such a cliche but, gossip hurts. Its not even all Carrie's fault, unless she is making up the rumors herself but a person like Carrie is the knife that spreads the peanut butter on the PB & J sandwich of gossip (sorry about the horrible metaphor). Obviously, someone has a reason to be mad at Sam and wanted to hurt him and make him regret doing whatever it is that he did. That person, we'll call her *Emma-lee, made up the rumor and fed the information to Carrie. Emma-Lee would be the peanut butter the part that makes the whole sandwich complete. Let's recap, shall we? Emma-Lee makes up the rumor, she feeds the information to Carrie and, Carrie spreads it to the whole school and the whole school bugs Sam about something that isn't even true. Or maybe it is true but he has to shave his legs because he is a professional biker (this is highly unlikely because Sam is only in high school). Thats is how gossip is spread.

if name has * it is fake